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Covid 19 Policy


1. Staggered session times.

Session times will be staggered to create 60 minute gaps between each client. During the 60 minute gap, doors and windows will be opened to clear the air in the room, I'll disinfect any equipment used and wipe down the table, chair, treatment couch and door handles.


2. Heightened Hygiene: 

Hand sanitizer will be available as you arrive and in the bathrooms. As in the past, the treatment space will be deep cleaned and bins emptied every day at the end of the day. If we are advised that anyone with Covid 19 has accessed the practice, we will close and carry out a deep clean.


3. Personal Protective Equipment:

I will be limiting massage/sound treatments to only 3 people per day and wearing a mask during the treatment. It is up to you weather or not your would like to wear one yourself during the session.

Please make sure to practice social distancing when in close, shared spaces like hallways and bathrooms.

Any kind of face massage is currently off limits.


4. Don’t come in if…

If you have a cough, fever, or symptoms of COVID-19, please do not come to the practice until you’re symptom-free and fever-free for seven days.

If you have tested positive for COVID-19, or have knowingly come into close contact with someone who has, we ask that you do not come to the studio for 14 days or until you’ve tested negative for COVID-19.

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